Sunday, 26 October 2014

Hello World from KuttyPayan

KuttyPayan's initial Hello World module will be a designed for basic CURD operation for the given database. the basic CURD operation may be selecting all contents from a table or collection, selecting a limited contents from a table, updating a content from a table or collection, deleting a record from a table or collection.

The initial UI will be just a text box for the user to type for a basic SQL like queries but actually not a complete query, rather the query which is being used by humans that should fall under a specific or predefined schema

e.g. "select employeetable",  "read employeetable", "open employeetable", "search employeetable".

The above query falls under the schema - "select_action table_name". All the above 4 statements refers to selecting the table - employeetable. This literally means selecting all records from table-employee i.e. (select * from dbo.employeetable - the relevant SQL query).

All the above select, read, open and search phrases refers to the same action word - select in English. The Hello World module of KP will understand the synonymical action words from the list of predefined schemas and performs the corresponding CURD operation.

Sample word list with CURD mappings

select, search, open, read - select
edit, update, modify, alter - update
create, new, make, construct - create
delete, clear, destroy, exclude - delete

The application will be using supervised learning methodology to understand the associated meaning for the given action word from the query. Later un supervised learning with prediction algorithm will be used to understand the meaning and perform the required action.

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